Friday, November 10, 2006

Review - Stepfather of the Bride - Who Weekly Magazine

Stepfather of the Bride
Three stars

William McInnes gives some heart to a soulless wedding.

Thank God for the stepfather of the bride: as the only likeable character in this wedding fiasco, scripted by Mother and Son writer Geoffrey Atherden, William McInnes's Daniel brings a sense of decency to the increasingly crass event.

Backed by some slightly irritating, cartoonish artwork, Daniel is the telemovie's storyteller, explaining the complicated family trees of the bride and groom. Bride Skye (Lucy Taylor) is the spoilt daughter of middle-age-crisis-about-to-happen Sophie (Noni Hazlehurst, oddly cast against the younger McInnes) and is prepared to drain every last dollar out of her and groom Lachlan's families to have the wedding of the year.

Lachlan (Leon Ford), an insipid and malleable Scot, simply goes with the flow, allowing his love unbridled control of the plans.

With such unappealing characters it's hard to get excited about a wedding - luckily, Mcinnes could turn a funeral into a must-be-there occasion.

Marianne Bilkey


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